Consumer or Consumed? Data Privacy Tips

For decades, the landline was your family’s main social connection with the outside world. People consented to have their names, street addresses, and phone numbers published in an annual book that was not only freely available but was actually delivered to every residence in town. Some of us even paid for the privilege to have our entries excluded from that book. Over the years, sales calls at dinner time led to a National Do Not Call registry and a general dislike for unsolicited contact.

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Three ways IoT Makes Our Child Safer

Children are great at creating adorable photo opportunities, but can struggle to warn you of a problem. We often say “use your words,” but what toddler can reliably explain what causes discomfort or identify danger? We live in a world where an ever-increasing number of technological tools allow us to avert safety disasters, ensure the comfort of our children, and help over-worked, exhausted parents provide the best care for their children.

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Make Your Own Smart Power Strip With Shelly 4Pro

This weekend’s project is a four outlet switched Smart power strip using a Shelly 4Pro module! The Shelly 4Pro is designed for din rail mounting, which you’re not going to find often in the US. However, the ability to independently control four circuits with one module combined with the LCD display is a gauntlet thrown at the feet of any DIY smart home enthusiast. Using this module in a portable power strip opens up all kinds of possibilities for the workshop, holiday lights, or off-site use (with consideration for Wi-Fi on location).

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